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Press Release


{ 10/26/2017 12:00:00 AM }

The LUKOIL Press Service would like to draw the attention of all those concerned to the unlawful use of trade marks, the corporate style and information regarding the company at the following websites which have nothing to do with LUKOIL Group: http://neftehimm.ru/index.html, https://russia-lukoil.global, https://kartalukoil.ru.

Due to the growing number of fake sites, and links to them spread through social networks, please take heed and compare information from there against the LUKOIL official site: www.lukoil.ru (in Russian) and www.lukoil.com (in English).

The company is not responsible for any negative effect which the use of false information from the above sites may entail. 



  • Press release in PDF

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