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Press Release


{ 4/26/2016 12:00:00 AM }

A bulk lubricant storage and transfer terminal of PJSC LUKOIL was brought into operation in Vienna today. The opening ceremony was attended by the Chairman of PJSC LUKOIL Board of Directors Valery Grayfer, President of Vienna Provincial Parliament Harry Kopietz and President of Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry Walter Ruck.

The construction of the terminal on the bank of the Danube which includes a tank farm and a mooring complex has become the second stage of the upgrade of the Austrian lubricant blending facility of LUKOIL Lubricants Europe which LUKOIL acquired in 2014.

LUKOIL's facility in Austria has obtained the highest category of certification, VDA 6.3, from the German Association of the Automotive Industry and is one of the lubricant suppliers to automotive assembly plants of German auto manufacturers. The new terminal in Vienna will make it possible to optimize the logistics of base oil supplies from Russia and enhance the competitiveness of LUKOIL's end products in Europe.

  • Press release in PDF

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