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Press Release


{ 7/8/2020 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL became a winner of one of the most influential world communication contests – SABRE Awards. An international jury named Company's cultural, social and tourist initiatives carried out in Kogalym (KhMAO-Yugra) as the best global project in the Multicultural Marketing category. LUKOIL is the only Russian company that has received SABRE Awards since the beginning of the 2020-2021 awards season. The general consensus is that the winners of this contest are the global leaders of media and public relations, and marketing communications.

More than a hundred experts from various countries were involved in the evaluation of Kogalym's tourist, cultural, sports, ethnic and geographical potential. The social and tourist amenities were built as a part of the social partnership program carried out by LUKOIL and the Government of Yugra.

The city houses a large sports and culture complex Galaktika with a world-class aquarium and a rare plants greenhouse, a water park, a movie theater, restaurants, the local branch of the State Academic Maly Theatre, the church of Holy Martyr Tatiana where her holy relics are displayed, a metochion of the Pyukhtitskiy Holy Assumption Stavropighial Convent, and a mosque. Designing and construction of the regional sports training center, a tennis center and a football stadium are also underway.

Citizens of Kogalym honour the traditions and customs of indigenous people. LUKOIL supports celebrations of the Reindeer Herder Day and the International Day of the World's Indigenous People. At these celebrations, Khanty people offer to local residents and tourists to participate in reindeer sledding, sled jumping, throwing the tynzyan (a leather noose) over the khorei (a long pole used to drive the reindeer). The Khanty also treat the guests to their ethnic foods.

The Khanty believe that the place where Kogalym stands is special. Their legends say that the ice-cold waters of the local river of Inguyaguan and the special herbs of local forests can heal many illnesses.

According to the opinion of the SABRE Awards jury, LUKOIL's media project about the special features of Kogalym complies with all key vectors and trends in communications.

  • Press release in PDF

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