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Press Release


{ 8/25/2020 12:00:00 AM }

The LUKOIL Press Service warns all the concerned parties of a new type of fraudulent activities in the Internet. The wrongdoers mention Company's executives, use LUKOIL corporate identity and logo.

For example, a misinforming video about LUKOIL's purportedly creating a special investment fund (platform) and inviting people to invest their personal savings has appeared in Facebook and Instagram social networks. The video unauthorizedly uses fragments of a genuine TV interview of the LUKOIL President Vagit Alekperov and several LUKOIL corporate videos.

The LUKOIL Press Service also calls attention of all the concerned parties to the fact that the Company did not create any investment platforms for individuals and urges to refrain from investing into questionable funds.

We kindly remind you to use caution when communicating with unknown parties and double-check the information against LUKOIL's official websites (www.lukoil.ru and www.lukoil.com).

LUKOIL is not responsible for any undesirable effect caused by the use of unreliable information from unauthorized sources.

  • Press release in PDF

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