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Press Release


{ 11/23/2017 12:00:00 AM }

The LUKOIL Press Service warns all the concerned parties of false information being distributed online on fake letterheads and through the websites lukoil-center.com, stavrolen-lukoil.com or the e-mails *@lukoil-center.com, *@stavrolen-lukoil.com having nothing to do with any of LUKOIL Group's companies.

Unidentified persons mail out fake commercial offers and send e-mails on behalf of LUKOIL-Tsentrnefteprodukt and Stavrolen (wholly owned LUKOIL subsidiaries).

In this connection, may we remind you to be careful in dealing with strange addressees and check the information in the documents received from them against the LUKOIL official web sites (www.lukoil.ru and www.lukoil.com).

Neither LUKOIL, nor any of LUKOIL Group's companies is responsible for any negative effect which the use of the false information may entail.

  • Press release in PDF

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