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Tenders of LUKOIL group

By using the filter on this page you will be able to see the list of tenders of LUKOIL Group companies, Company's affiliates and other organizations. The requirements for the particular tenderare available in the attached documents and on the Organizer's web-site.

Please note that this list is for users' information only, PJSC LUKOIL shall not be liable for the tenders, arranged by other organizations.

Information on LUKOIL Group overseas upstream and downstream organizations' tenders is available at

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Поставка ЗИП модуля канатной техники (LUO/000/05-17/259) 02.06.2017 - 14.06.2017 / Service parts for Slickline (LUO/000/05-17/259) 02.06.2017 - 14.06.2017. Продлен до 30.06.2017 / Prolongated till 30.06.2017

№: LUO/000/05-17/259

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Documents: LUO-000-05-17-259

Deadline: 6/30/2017 12:00:00 AM

Поставка стеклопластиковых труб и фитингов (LUO/000/05-17/258 ) 22.05.2017 - 13.06.2017 / Supply of glass-reinforced plastic pipes and fittings (LUO/000/05-17/258 ) 22.05.2017 - 13.06.2017. Продлен до 30.06.2017 / Prolongated till 30.06.2017

№: LUO/000/05-17/258

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Deadline: 6/30/2017 12:00:00 AM

Поставка электротехнического оборудования и материалов для нужд ТПУ г. Пермь, ТПУ г. Волгоград, ТПУ «РПК Астраханский», ПТК «НСН «Новоселки» на 2017 год

№: 17Т-17ЛТ

Customer(s): OOO "LUKOIL-Trans"

Organizer of tender: OOO "LUKOIL-Trans"


Ремонт судовых насосов и механизмов с поставкой сменно-запасных частей для ремонта механизмов т/х «Нева-Люкс»

Выполнение работ по ремонту главного двигателя включая поставку СЗЧ т/х «Нева-Люкс»

Поставка термометров и манометров (LUO/000/05-17/279) 24.05.2017 - 15.06.2017 / Supply thermometers and gauges (LUO/000/05-17/279) 24.05.2017 - 15.06.2017. Продлен до 29.06.2017/ Prolongated till 29.06.2017

№: LUO/000/05-17/279

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Documents: LUO-000-05-17-279

Deadline: 6/29/2017 12:00:00 AM

Поставка ежедневников (LUO/000/05-17/139) 07.06.2017 - 28.06.2017

№: LUO/000/05-17/139

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Documents: LUO-000-05-17-139

Deadline: 6/28/2017 12:00:00 AM

Поставка реле и выключателей (LUO/000/05-17/299) 05.06.2017 - 19.06.2017 / Supply of relay and switches (LUO/000/05-17/299) 05.06.2017 - 19.06.2017. Продлен до 28.06.2017/ Prolongated till 28.06.2017

№: LUO/000/05-17/299

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Documents: LUO-000-05-17-299

Deadline: 6/28/2017 12:00:00 AM

Поставка абразивных материалов и инструментов для ремонта оборудования (LUO/000/04-17/247) 02.06.2017 - 14.06.2017 / Supply of abrasive materials and tools for repairing equipment (LUO/000/04-17/247) 02.06.2017 - 14.06.2017

№: LUO/000/04-17/247

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Documents: LUO_000_04-17_247


Поставка мебельной продукции (LUO/000/06-17/287) 06.06.2017 - 20.06.2017 / Supply of furniture products (LUO/000/06-17/287) 06.06.2017 - 20.06.2017. Продлен до 27.06.2017 / Prolongated till 27.06.2017

№: LUO/000/06-17/287

Customer(s): Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Organizer of tender: Limited Liability Company "LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company"

Documents: LUO-000-05-17-287

Deadline: 6/27/2017 12:00:00 AM